Art Therapy
Allows sensory integration Sharpens cognitive skills
Enhances perceptual acuity Activates creative center
By using the two different sides of our brain in therapy, new information will emerge that may have been previously unknown to an individual. Integrating thinking and creativity utilizes the mind/body connection as we are making life-changing decisions. The creative brain comes up with information to help us on our path that would otherwise go unnoticed by our thinking brain. The thinking brain uses reasoning skills, personal information and past situations as it comes up with solutions. Integration is important because by accessing all the available information we come up with a plan that incorporates all of who we are as individuals. A person of any age with no art experience can foster a relationship with his/her images which can promote transformation. Integrating thinking and creativity honors our individuality as we travel our life path.
The Process of Art Therapy…
- frees you to express and work with feelings non-verbally.
- allows you to maintain a safe distance from deeply painful experiences while
processing those experiences.
- provides a safe way to gain insight into anxiety provoking material.
- helps you to experience hope and excitement for the future through the use of color, shape, and experimentation.
Using traditional psychotherapy, we can journey into the soul, reach inside and explore its terrain, and carry what we discover back into our everyday lives. Through the creative process of art-making we can illuminate a path toward healing. making and interpreting their own art, individuals can reach beyond censored and unconscious feelings to a deeper understanding of personal motivations in everyday life. Art therapy is a unique and effective approach for offering our clients another means of communication. When words cannot express the secret turmoil, the art produced by the individual is a raw and honest look into our inner most fears, obsessions, motivations and personalities. Every creative endeavor produces a type of self portrait that can be interpreted and used to aid in further insight and personal growth.
Art therapy blends counseling with the creative process of making art. The therapist guides the use of art materials in a supportive, non-judgmental environment, focusing not on the outcome or product, but on the therapeutic qualities of the art making itself. Artistic self-expression can help people resolve conflicts, increase self awareness, and achieve personal insights. The visible expressions become a tangible record of the individual’s process in counseling.
In summary, art…
Acts as a metaphor
Taps the unconscious
Assists with picturing self/ situation in a concrete, objective manner
Acts as a bridge
Creates a tangible record- a visible trail
Inspires connection to transcendent and growth
Provides energy enhancing process
Can easily be combined with other expressive arts (Gladding, S. & Newsome, D., 2003)